Monday, June 24, 2013

8 Ways to Ease Stroke Recovery

My take on them or read the link from Everyday Health. They make it sound so easy.

1. Practice Yoga for Stroke Recovery

Yes, its great, but be careful.
How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body

2. Get Care After Stroke With Hand Therapy

This sounds exactly like what Margaret Yekutiel wrote in the book Sensory Re-Education of the Hand after Stroke in 2001.

3. Listening to Music Fights Depression During Stroke Recovery

The reason for music listening is not to fight depression but to facilitate recovery.
Music listening enhances cognitive recovery and mood after middle cerebral artery stroke
Music Therapy Speeds Post-Stroke Recovery
music therapy including Kenny Rogers, I couldn't have handled this. Ask your doctors if you can listen to music to make sure it doesn't have negative side effects. 


4. Walk 6,000 Steps for Stroke Recovery

It probably took me 2 years before I could do that length.

5. Try Art Therapy for Recovery After Stroke

Anything that you are interested and involved in will help.

6. Involve Family Members for Better Stroke Recovery

I wish.

7. Consider Acupuncture as Part of Stroke Recovery

No,no,no. Acupuncture has no proven results. Quoting ancient use does not mean it is effective.

Acupuncture is a theatrical placebo: the end of a myth - DC's Improbable Science


8. Join a Recovery Support Group for Care After Stroke

But it has to be a group that actively plans outings, intellectual discussions. Run away from those groups that are, 'Oh woe is me', or complain all the time

1 comment:

  1. #6 LOL. Either they involve themselves or they are OUT!! That was my experience, mostly everyone was out for not being involved or supportive.I'm much happier with my smaller more significant circle.
