Saturday, June 29, 2013

AlterG M300 Trainer Takes The Strain Off Fragile Joints

A different type of body weight assisted treadmill training.
Being able to drop half your body weight for a run can take quite a bit of strain off your joints. People recovering from surgery or injuries can use the AlterG (Fremont, California) treadmill to do just that and get a good workout for their lower extremities muscles. The device is able to continuously pump air into a cavity enclosing the legs and helps lift a person a bit, thereby reducing effective weight. AlterG just released a new model, the M300, which costs a third of their previous unit, features the same technology, and looks pretty damn slick.

Its a time saver for therapists, I bet you could save 10 minutes per patient trying to strap them into Lite-Gait or the Lokomat.

more at link.
alterg AlterG M300 Trainer Takes The Strain Off Fragile Joints

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