Saturday, June 29, 2013

DizzyFIX Takes Care of Vertigo at Home

I never had the balance problems or spinning that some complain about.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is an unpleasant condition that usually requires frequent visits with a therapist or a crazy ride on a specialty body spinning system. A cheaper at-home solution is the DizzyFIX device from Clearwater Clinical, which has been shown to achieve very positive results in a new University of Western Ontario study. The DizzyFIX is kind of a magnified simulator of what’s going on in the inner ear. You attach it to the tip of a baseball hat, load in a small marble, and guide the marble through the tubes by tilting your head.

More at link.
DizzyFIX Takes Care of Vertigo at Home

1 comment:

  1. I had a lot of dizziness/nausea for the first year, I don't anymore. I remember one time it was really bad so I went to the ER and the ER doctor said it's probably BPPV. This enraged me. It would make sense that someone who had a stroke 3 months ago with dizziness as a main symptom would be dizzy!! I already thought that doctors' knowledge was worthless but that experience solidified it.
