Extra driving therapy
Yesterday, while driving back from Minneapolis, 12 hours in all. The first 6 hours were uneventful, I set the cruise control at 80 and got the left elbow on the gel pad on the armrest and the left hand at 7 o'clock on the steering wheel. The elbow stays maybe 6 inches away from my side, the wrist is bent to the left and the fingers do not clasp the wheel. But its a start, I'll work on the other pieces over time. About 8:30 pulling out from a food stop just south of Chicago I stopped with other cars on the on ramp with flashers going because the sheets of rain coming down made seeing 10 yards ahead impossible. 15 minutes later I started on the interstate, the rain coming down in sheets again, I made it maybe a mile before I lost the tail lights of the truck I was following and came to an underpass where cars were taking refuge. I joined them for 30 minutes. Spent the next 5 hours driving maybe 65-70 mph adjusting the wiper speed quite often. 10 minutes outside town, still on the interstate, two troopers with flashing lights were stopped in the opposite lanes and I noticed a car in the ditch. Just then I hit a 3-5 in deep pool of water covering the road, water spraying everywhere. The whole interstate was flooded. I must have been going slow enough not to hydroplane off the road like the car the troopers were trying to help. It was great cognition therapy because I had to have full concentration on driving for hours and still be able to change wiper speed, signal lane changes and change CDs.
This winter was disappointing because there were no snowstorms to drive around in.
Life is good.
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