Friday, June 7, 2013

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

From Margaret Mead. We have to change the stroke world.  The existing leaders have completely failed us for the past 20 years. Your doctors have failed you, stop putting them on a pedestal. Every time you talk to a therapist/doctor ask them when stroke recovery will be standard and what it will take to get there.


  1. Replies
    1. Hear, hear (usually with a comma and set apart as a self-contained sentence) is the conventional spelling of the colloquial exclamation used to express approval for a speaker or sentiment. It’s essentially short for hear him, hear him or hear this, hear this, where these phrases are a sort of cheer.

      Here, here is widely regarded as a misspelling, although it is a common one, and there are ways to logically justify its use. But for what it’s worth, hear, hear is the original form (the Oxford English Dictionary cites examples going back to the 17th century) and is the one listed in dictionaries. English reference books mention here, here only to note that it’s wrong.
