Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Study: Meds containing caffeine tied to double or triple risk of stroke

For your doctor to decipher, I just finished giving a presentation where Coffee, coffee, coffee was highlighted for all its beneficial effects.

Study: Meds containing caffeine tied to double or triple risk of stroke

Taking medications containing caffeine was tied to a doubled or even tripled risk of having a stroke in a new Korean study that might seem to contradict recent evidence suggesting coffee and tea exert protective effects.
But the results may be in fact be in line with that research, according to the study authors, who point out that people who drank the least coffee were most at risk when taking caffeinated drugs.
The products included mostly over the counter pain relievers, cold medicines and alertness aids containing small amounts of caffeine.
"Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, causing blood vessels to tighten and increasing the pressure of the blood flow," Nam-Kyong Choi of Seoul National University College of Medicine, who co-led the study, told Reuters Health in an email.
But what about this study?;
Tea and coffee lower blood pressure in large French registry

This shows correlation, not causation which is why your doctor needs to be involved. What does s/he think of the studies conclusion?

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