So its not from a clinical trial yet. Ask your doctor why you wouldn't want better brain function after a stroke.
One selected paragraph.
The authors noted that while these postmenopausal women were cognitively intact, those randomized to testosterone still scored statistically significantly better than
those who received placebo. The improvement was coincident to an
increase in testosterone level from low normal to mid-normal range.
Luckily, there were no negative outcomes in this small short study. If
you can’t wait, ask your doc about this way off-label use of
testosterone. But just to be on the safe side, wait if you can afford
to do so.
Thanks, Dean, I needed this one. My husband has a testosterone gel that is applied daily and I have been WARNED not to get any on me, and though I try, that's impossible. Always seem to get some on me somehow... I used to worry--- Now, hey, might be a good thing!