Monday, July 8, 2013

8/21 Avoiding Dementia and Senility - Special Speaker #1 medical blogger Dean Reinke, a local man who survived a stroke, will share his research on building cognitive reserve.

I guess I get to speak again, this time I can correct my mistakes, no final takeaway slide, better explanation of what I trying to accomplish in the talk.

The address of Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ is 125 S. Pennsylvania (zip = 48912), a block south of Sparrow, right next to Rite-Aid, but our parking lot (free, off-street) is on the Eureka and Bingham St. sides of the lot, just south of the SEIU union building.  The accessible entry with automatic door leading to the elevator, is located right next to the handicapper spots that are on the Rite-Aid side of the porch.  Our website shows what the building looks like from the South Pennsylvania St. side:  The parlor is just to the left when you get to the first floor, about a half-flight above the entry level.

Oh! and the sessions run from 6 - 7 p.m. in case I didn't already tell you that...

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