Friday, July 19, 2013

Action observation - walking at Winnipeg Folk Festival

This was probably the best use of my time as I waited between sets. It did require having a clear view as people entered/exited the seating areas.
Proof of efficacy here;

Action observation as a stroke therapy

I had to determine which type of person to watch.
Men, no. Men were usually not followed, they wore shorts past the knee, along with socks and shoes.
Women with long skirts or harem pants, no. No view of leg.
The two women walking by with the back half of a horse attached to them with moveable rear legs were entertaining, but not useful.

The best walking strides to watch were the young women
1. They were usually wearing sandals or going barefoot so there were no blocking views of the ankle.
2.  They were wearing short shorts or bikini bottoms allowing full view of the upper leg muscles
3. High heels were non-existant so bad form was not observed.
1. Distractions were considerable, staying focused was a problem. But it does provide therapy for your attention problems.
2. Multiple persons walking by at a time making it hard to follow a complete series of strides.

Now if we just had some technically proficient therapists that could create animated gifs we could do therapy anyplace.

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