Thursday, August 29, 2013

change the world of stroke rehab

My response to an email I got.

I kinda feel like a prophet crying in the wilderness and the people that need to hear me are in the cities with their ears covered over. If every survivor created a blog we would have 15 million plus blogs and that presence would overwhelm the medical world. One would think stroke associations would be for us but they aren't, they are meant for doctors and survivors are just their means of getting money. We really need for every survivor to challenge their medical staff about why they know so little about stroke recovery. Sorry about ranting but there is nothing in the stroke world that can't be improved  vastly. And that's what this blog is about - to change the world of stroke rehab.

This is an almost impossible task, but I'm having fun tweaking the noses of the medical world.

1 comment:

  1. Dean, I don't mean to discourage you, but you ARE a lone voice in the wilderness. Stroke survivors are on your side, but that's preaching to the choir.
