Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Coping During Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation: An Exploratory Study

I had zilch on coping with the effects of the stroke. I think the thought was; don't tell him how bad this is because he might not handle it ok.

  1. Glen Gillen
+ Author Affiliations
  1. Glen Gillen, EdD, OTR, FAOTA, is Assistant Professor in Clinical Occupational Therapy, Programs in Occupational Therapy, 710 West 168th Street, 8th Floor, New York, New York 10032;


The emotional impact of surviving a stroke has not received the same attention as physical aspects. This is particularly true regarding how stroke survivors cope during inpatient rehabilitation. This study examined the coping strategies used by stroke survivors undergoing inpatient rehabilitation and the relationships between demographic or clinical variables and coping behaviors. This case series examined 16 acute stroke survivors via standardized assessments and a medical records review completed during the first week of inpatient rehabilitation.
Stroke survivors used combinations of multiple coping strategies. All stroke survivors used a higher number and frequency of adaptive rather than maladaptive strategies. Women used a higher number of adaptive strategies. Stroke survivors with depression used maladaptive coping strategies more frequently, whereas those presenting with a greater number and severity of comorbidities used adaptive coping strategies more frequently. Stroke survivors with higher levels of coping self-efficacy used the strategies of active coping and positive reframing more frequently.
Based on these results, it is recommended direct-care providers place greater emphasis on objectifying the emotional consequences of stroke. Further research is recommended regarding understanding the relationship between coping and outcomes.

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