Sunday, September 22, 2013

Former Trowbridge principal, 85, dies after suffering stroke

This is one of the problems. Bad definition of death, he died from brain damage and until we get the real definition of death we will never be able to figure out what is needed to prevent that death. We used to see, died of old age, that is no longer allowed. What part of the brain died?  And did the neuronal cascade of death  cause his death. Without answering these questions we will never be able to prevent the 30 day deaths. God are doctors lazy and stupid.
I'm trying not to jump on a death  but this completely points out what is needed to change stroke rehabilitation. Complications from stroke should not be allowed as a cause of death. This falls into the 15% of strokes that die shortly after. Everyone of those should be investigated to determine exactly why they died. Unless you know the cause you can't fix the problem. Just like people used to be listed as dying from old age. That was discontinued.
Thats my rant for the day.

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