Saturday, September 7, 2013

Make a Difference Beyond Your Community from NSA Stroke Advocacy Network

Another wrongly directed email from NSA and Coral Cosway
Director, Policy Advocacy. She is assuming that the government cares about stroke research. Soon it will care about nothing but making the rich richer and if you have to die from a stroke, so what. What you need to do is solicit funds and drive your own research, thats the only way stroke solutions will be found. That is the only way you can directly control what is being accomplished. What you are doing with this advocacy network is doomed to failure in the long run.  Does no one know how to run a business? Even the NSA is a business, in my opinion poorly run but hell if they want to fail it just means the sooner a great stroke association will take its place.

National Stroke Association

Dear dean,
We’re holding a training session to teach you how to effectively advocate on stroke-related policies with your elected officials. We invite you to participate in this free training session on Sept. 24 at 1 p.m. EDT and become an advocate in the fight to reduce the incidence and impact of stroke!
Why does this matter? Your elected officials make laws that impact all aspects of stroke diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The more they know about the needs and challenges of the stroke community, the more they’ll be able to help change policies to support us. Here are just some examples:
  • Congress provides (or doesn’t provide) funding for medical research that could produce the next major advancement in stroke care;
  • Congress also decides each year whether stroke survivors on Medicare will have access to enough therapy services to recover to their fullest potential;
  • State legislators are responsible for laws that can provide or hinder the availability of specialized stroke care in rural or medically underserved areas of your state; and
  • State legislators can enact laws that make it easier for emergency medical personnel to diagnose stroke and get stroke patients to facilities with specialized stroke care.
Your voice can make a tremendous difference in this process. Believe it or not, citizens have an enormous influence on elected officials. You just need to know how to be most effective when communicating with them. Join us for this online educational program, Advocacy 101, on Sept. 24 at 1 p.m. EDT. We’ll show you how to tell your stroke story to your elected officials and make a difference for the entire stroke community in the process. Space is limited so reserve your space by registering today.
signed by Coral Cosway
Coral Cosway
Director, Policy Advocacy

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