Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sprinting towards a cliff of stroke

My regular readers  know this but the stroke medical world doesn't or their head is in the sand. The stroke medical teams are sprinting towards a cliff of vastly increased stroke patients. They don't have a low altitude parachute or a wingsuit and don't even know if there is water at the bottom. They must expect to build a glider of 100% effective stroke rehab with no preparation. We as patients will surely die or be severely disabled in the attempt.  Unless we start screaming about preparations nothing will get done. They have already proven in the last 20 years that the stroke medical world doesn't plan for the future.

That tsunami of stroke is coming and it's going to disable millions of survivors because the existing stroke protocols only have 10% fully recover. And that has nothing to do with the medical care received, just luck that those were small strokes.

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