Thursday, September 26, 2013

Why I hope every neurologist, PMR doctor for stroke hates me

Because doing the best for their patients is not occurring right now. If it was they would be having their doctor associations, Joint Commission and the WSO on high alert to get stroke research and rehab breathlessly talked about in any health discussion. And the way to do that is to have every single stroke survivor demand a protocol to get to 100% recovery. And threaten to not pay them until they do. Altruism hasn't worked, time to bring out the big guns.  Standard of care. Use all the links I've provided to prove they are not paying attention and thus failing in their standard of care responsibilities. Quote me liberally, I want Dean to be a swear word in the stroke medical world.
This may take 50 years but you have to start some time.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” -- Margaret Mead



  1. I know that the standard of care hasn't changed a tiny bit since I showed up at our ER actively having a stroke. It's pathetic. Think of the money that could be saved by insurance and Medicare, if someone actually gave a shit about preventing what happened to us and what can be done to FIX us.

  2. I want Amy to be a swear word in the stroke medical world too.
