Monday, October 21, 2013

Hangovers increase risk of stroke in men

I'm disappointed they didn't study women. Well I haven't had a hangover in probably 35 years. I am able to learn some things.

Men who have at least one hangover per year are at greater risk of having a stroke, a new Finnish study has found. (How much greater?)
In her doctoral thesis at the University of Eastern Finland, researcher Sanna Rantakomi found men who drank more than twice a week, were overweight, or had hypertension were at an even greater risk.
The research looked at 2,600 men who took part in a long-term study. The men self-reported their alcohol intake and how often they had a hangover.
She found the likelihood of a man having a stroke increased depending on heavy alcohol consumption leading to a hangover.
Light to moderate drinking isn't an issue in a healthy man, Rantakomi wrote.
"Despite some evidence showing moderate alcohol drinking to decrease the risk of stroke, the implications of these findings should be examined cautiously," she wrote in the study. "Any advice regarding the consumption of alcohol should be customised to the individual's risks and potential benefits."
Or another article on this;
Excessive alcohol consumption increases the progression of atherosclerosis and the risk of stroke

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