Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Priming Before Physical Therapy Facilitates Stroke Rehab

You therapist should know what the hell this means.
Bilateral priming facilitates upper-limb rehabilitation and accelerates recovery after stroke, a new study shows.
Through the use of a mechanical device designed for that purpose, the paretic hand is passively moved in a mirror-symmetric manner as the patient extends and flexes the nonparetic wrist.
"Bilateral priming has few contraindications, it takes little time to administer, and the device is portable and easy to use. You can easily integrate bilateral priming into your rehabilitation center," Winston Byblow, PhD, from the Centre for Brain Research, professor and deputy head of the Department of Sport and Exercise Science, and director of the Movement Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, reported. Dr. Byblow is a named inventor on the patent of the device.

The rest at the site with free registration including a picture of the device.

1 comment:

  1. That machine is cool. Same idea as mirror therapy. Using the good side to get the brain to use the bad side better.
