Sunday, February 17, 2013

Why is there no stroke blogosphere?

There are lots of stroke survivors writing and commenting but I have yet to find any stroke doctors out there, Toni Patt and Peter Levine seem to be the only therapy related bloggers.
Brooks Rehabilitation and International Journal of Stroke exist but do not engage in any discussions that I can see.
Considering all the bomb throwing I've done I'm surprised I've gotten no pushback.  I doubt that I'm so perfectly accurate that there is no defense against my comments.
My take is that doctors are embarrassed about the lack of recovery they can provide, and the indefensible state of stroke protocols.
I would think there would be massive discussions on the 12% efficacy of tPA and the appalling  10% full recovery rate. Why those problems exist and how to correct them.
Wikipedia defines the blogosphere
You can see an analysis of the neuroscience blogosphere here;
Why does the neuroscience blogosphere suck?

Much more at link.


  1. Dean, I believe they would have to admit, "I don't know." They are bound by privacy acts.They are afraid of being sued or causing their brethren to be sued.

    1. But then they really should be concerned about their future patients suing them for not keeping up with newer possibilities. This doesn't quite fall into standard of care but I'm sure a good lawyer could come up with negligence of some sort.
