Thursday, November 7, 2013

Grading a Physician's Value — The Misapplication of Performance Measurement

I happen to think that pay for performance is the only way we will ever get our doctors to figure out how to get us to 100% recovery. The existing 10% recovered is a complete failure.
A doctor blogger discussing it here;
Finally! Physician performance measurement questioned in the NEJM! - See more at:
 Finally! Physician performance measurement questioned in the NEJM!
I disagree with these people because we are paying our stroke doctors for doing nothing and the only way to change that is to stop paying them for not helping us to 100% recovery.
A question for your doctor;
Why should I pay you for not getting me even close to recovery?
Finally! Physician performance measurement questioned in the NEJM! - See more at:
Finally! Physician performance measurement questioned in the NEJM! - See more at:

1 comment:

  1. I do think doctors do need to be more accountable. I think there is the issue of doctors as our consultants. We pay them for knowledge we do not the time or possibly their physical skills such as a surgeon.

    Too bad researchers who discover this knowledge are not paid as well as the direct care physicians. Our brilliant young doctors, with an enormous debt loads, are pushed in the direction of passing out the same limited information instead of going into research and creating new improved knowledge.
