Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"prisoners of the past" and "pioneers of the future." - Stroke

This comes from Newt Gingrichs' new book "Breakout,".
the divide between those who think the party needs no new ideas, no positive message, and no fundamental change on the one hand, and those who want to be aggressive about breaking out to a better future on the other.
I'll apply it to the stroke world.
Most of the stroke world is still enamored of tPA and the F.A.S.T. campaign.
tPA was approved in 1996 and has an appalling 12% efficacy.
F.A.S.T.  assumes that getting to the hospital fast will save the brain. This is an incorrect assumption due to tPA failures and no protocol to stop the neuronal cascade of death.  The pushers of F.A.S.T., all the stroke associations, are rooted in the past and can't get rid of the blinders they have put on themselves. No new ideas.
ASA - Dr. Sacco,
NSA - Mr. Baranski, 

WSO - Dr. Stephen Davis
are all prisoners of the past, none have reached out to stroke survivors and are just working on tweaking the status quo.
I don't see how the boards of directors can justify such failure of leadership.
The WSO has come up with the pathetic 2010 Stroke: working toward a prioritized world agenda
The status quo will not be enough for the coming tsunami of stroke.

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