Sunday, November 24, 2013

Research shows a male can better recognize happy movements than a female

Absolutely nothing to do with stroke, but it tickled my fancy.

Main Point:

Researchers have found that females have better ability to recognize hostile angry movement of males while males have better ability to recognize happy walking of females.

Published in:


Study Further:

In the present study, researchers presented human locomotion with various emotional expressions, i.e. neutral, happiness and anger, to fifty three healthy female and male adult observers in the age range of 22-25 years.
Researchers found that emotions portrayed by female actors can easily be recognized than the emotions portrayed by male walkers/actors. Moreover, males can recognize happy walking better than females while females can recognize hostile angry motion better than males.
Males can easily recognize happy walking of female actors and are “also faster in responses to these displays than females.”
“Males surpass females in recognition of happy walking portrayed by female actors, whereas females exhibit a tendency to be better in recognition of angry locomotion expressed by male actors,” Researchers wrote.
Researchers are of opinion that females’ ability to recognize anger through locomotion is possibly to check potential danger from the other person.


  1. Well ok. But can males more easily determine happy vs. pissed off walking after a stroke when all walking is messed up?

    1. Damned hard to do happy walking after a stroke, especially when you are constantly head down to make sure your feet land in a safe spot.
