Saturday, November 9, 2013

This Kinect Game Is Designed To Rehabilitate Stroke Patients – And It Works

Ask your doctor and therapists which video game is the most effective for rehabilitation. I prefer the cockroach stomping one, they are fast little bastards.  Other possibilities below which your doctor should know all about.
Over 325,000 suffer from Hemiparesis, a weakness or inability to move one side of the body, which can occur after a stroke. Since rehab can be an incredibly difficult and expensive process, researchers at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center have come up with a new at-home healing processes – and it involves a game for the Kinect.
Stroke victims who suffer from hemiparesis often have difficulty executing basic functions like eating or dressing; sadly, the most effective form of treatment, Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (or CI) is only able to be administered to less than 1% of affected patients.
“Lack of access, transportation and cost are contributing barriers to receiving CI therapy,” said Lynne Gauthier, an assistant professor at OSU’s College of Medicine. “To address this disparity, our team developed a 3D gaming system to deliver CI therapy to patients in their homes.”
So, with a neuroscientist, clinicians, computer scientists, electrical engineers, and biochemists on board, Gauthier’s team developed a game for the Kinect; the patient slips on a movement-tracking glove to their affected side, weighs down the extremities on the non-affected side, and starts swinging away. The game takes place in a river canyon, and patients can row down the river, swat bats, grab bottles, fish, and find treasure chests.
“This novel model of therapy has shown positive results for individuals who have played the game. Gains in motor speed, as measured by the Wolf Motor Function Test, rival those made through traditional CI therapy,” said Gauthier. “It provides intense high quality motor practice for patients, in their own homes. Patients have reported they have more motivation, time goes by quicker and the challenges are exciting and not so tedious.”
If the initial trial is successful, the game could be expanded to treat patients with brain injuries, celebral palsy, and MS.
Who said the Kinect wasn’t good for anything?
(via Ohio State University, image via OSU Multimedia Newsroom)

Are these earlier studies not good enough? Is no one in charge of following a strategic path? Hell I could do better than this and I'm brain-damaged.
1.  Cool Kiwi science: Mouse aid for stroke victims
2.   Successful aging through digital games: Socioemotional differences between older adult gamers and Non-gamers
3.  Clinical Feasibility of Interactive Commercial Nintendo Gaming for Chronic Stroke Rehabilitation
4.  16 other ones in this post 

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