Sunday, December 29, 2013

Homeopathy and stroke

A biased writeup in favor of homeopathy here;
It has the standard excuse that traditional scientific methods can't  be used because they don't honor the principles of homeopathy. What a load of crock. They have to disparage the scientific method because that method proves that homeopathy is nothing more than placebo. So if you are going down this route ask for scientific research, not this type of misleading puff piece.

Homeopathy research review

Some Homeopathy writeups for stroke here to balance this out; I will never do this.

 Alternative and Complementary Medicine for Stroke  This one is bad because it lists first aid for stroke. Yeah, lets put a bandaid on the owie in the brain.

Homeopathy and Stroke Talks about needing to correct the ' vital force'. Whoa what a load of xxx.

Cerebral Stoke and Homeopathy

Fascinating ideas from this one, a couple of lines for your amusement.
There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of cerebral stroke:
Aconite Nap.: good remedy for stroke, for a person who is panicky and fear of dying.
Aurum mur: when stroke is caused by depression or while person loses his face.
Opium: excellent remedy for apoplexy; comma and obstructed respiration; patient lies down; loss of consciousness with eyes half open after the brain hemorrhage. And where the hell is this person going to get opium? Never mind, after succussing numerous times there is no actual atoms of the original element in the result, so there is no need to even start out with the named element. Unless you happen to believe in magical water memory.



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