1.They use the term, 'All strokes are different, all stroke recoveries are different'. Used as an excuse for not giving you defined protocols for recovery and hope.
2. They use some form of the term, 'You won't recover' or 'What you have is as good as its going to get'.
Run, run, run away from these assholes.
3. They tell you you're going to fully recover with no details as to why they know that. If they give you this they are being disingenuous. Think Scott Carpenter.
4. They do nothing in the first week, never mentioning the neuronal cascade of death.
5. They don't know how to get rid of 'tone' or spasticity. They can't even define or describe it to you in laymans' terms.
6. Nothing is said about their results in getting patients to full recovery.
7. Nothing is done to provide hope or motivation.
8. No specific map is shown of the dead vs. damaged neurons.
I personally don't think there is a competent stroke hospital anywhere in the world. Please comment and prove me wrong.
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