Saturday, January 11, 2014

Step by step rehab

Since there is no way I can complete functional movements, I have to break them down into small pieces. Then I'll have to hope that my brain has enough brainpower to connect those individual movements together into smooth functional ones. Today I had a several hour drive to meet Amy for lunch. This allows me to practice hours of spasticity reduction. When driving now I can place my left hand at the 7 o'clock position even when moving. I used to try to place it at 11 o'clock but that was only possible when stopped and I couldn't consistently keep the elbow locked straight.  Now I place my elbow on the gel pad glued onto the door rest, it mostly stays there, 6 inches away from my side. The wrist is only cocked at 10 degrees, the fingers have no grasping ability yet. I figure the arm out and wrist may take another 3-5 years before I'll be able to work on having the fingers clasp the wheel. I tried listening to the Egypt great courses on my computer but the speakers weren't loud enough to overcome the noise level when driving at 75 mph.  The straw in the coffee, along with cruise control allows me to consume vast amounts of coffee even while driving.

You will likely need to do the same type of thing for your recovery which goes against all the training your therapists get, which is to practice functional movements.

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