Monday, February 17, 2014

Spousal Relationship Quality and Cardiovascular Risk

So is this where the plaque in my arteries came from?
An article talking about it here:

Study: Unhappy marriage could lead to cardiovascular risk

The abstract it is based upon here:

Spousal Relationship Quality and Cardiovascular Risk - Dyadic Perceptions of Relationship Ambivalence Are Associated With Coronary-Artery Calcification
  1. Bert N. Uchino
  2. Timothy W. Smith
  3. Cynthia A. Berg
  1. Department of Psychology and Health Psychology Program, University of Utah
  1. Bert N. Uchino, Department of Psychology and Health Psychology Program, University of Utah, 390 S. 1530 E. Rm. 502, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 E-mail:
  1. Author Contributions B. N. Uchino, T. W. Smith, and C. A. Berg contributed to the conceptualization and design of the study. B. N. Uchino conducted the statistical analyses and drafted the manuscript. All authors approved the revised draft of the manuscript for submission.


The quality of spousal relationships has been related to physical-health outcomes. However, most studies have focused on relationship positivity or negativity in isolation, despite the fact that many close relationships are characterized by both positive and negative aspects (i.e., ambivalence). In addition, most work has not accounted for the reciprocal nature of close-relationship processes that can have an impact on health. Using a sample of 136 older married couples, we tested whether actor-partner models of relationships that were either primarily positive or ambivalent (i.e., perceived as having both helpful and upsetting aspects) predicted measures of coronary-artery calcification. Results revealed an Actor × Partner interaction whereby coronary-artery calcification scores were highest for individuals who both viewed and were viewed by their spouse as ambivalent. These data are discussed in light of the importance of considering both positive and negative aspects of relationship quality and modeling the interdependence of close relationships.


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