If this can be spun in any way to make it look successful we will have no more in-hospital therapy. So either have a really small stroke or die. This wouldn't be so bad if we had a decent panapoly of drugs stopping the neuronal cascade of death. That would turn most strokes into small ones.
A new study is set to enroll 1000 patients with mild to
moderate disability across India to determine whether stroke recovery at
home given by a trained family member is an effective, affordable
strategy for those with disabling stroke in India when compared to usual
While Christian Medical College, Ludhiana will be the clinical
coordination center for the study, Public Health Foundation of India
will perform monitoring and policy dissemination and George Institute
for Global Health, India will be responsible for data management and
overall project management and other collaborators from UK.
ATTEND is a multicentre, randomised, blinded outcome assessor,
controlled trial funded by National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC), Australia.The study has been initiated at two esteemed centers
i.e., All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and Christian
Medical College, Ludhiana. All the local ethics committee and regulatory
requirement are in place for attend study and shall start enrolling the
patients before the end of the year.
Globally, 87 percent of stroke occurs in low- and middle-income
countries with many people in these countries, such as India, having no
access to stroke rehabilitation. Western models of stroke rehabilitation
are currently unaffordable, and are likely to remain so for some
decades, but evidence from the Stroke Unit and Early Supported Discharge
Rehabilitation Trials suggest that components of these interventions
could be introduced in a low-cost model.
Health in India is in transition with decreasing poverty-related
infection and nutritional deficiency diseases and increasing chronic
disease. Annual estimated stroke incidence is 135 to 145 per 100,000,
with early case fatality rates ranging from 27 percent to 41 percent.
This equates to ~1.5 million people having a stroke each year, leading
to a further 500,000 people, each year, living with stroke-related
Anything that shows the family and stroke survivor that a stroke does not mean people do everything for you is a good thing.