Monday, February 24, 2014

The effects of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation on upper-limb spasticity and impairment in patients with spastic hemiparesis: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study

Damn, some on sensation, some on spasticity, none on motor.
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The aim of this study was to investigate short-term and long-term effects of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation (rpMS) on spasticity and motor function.


monocentric randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial.


neurologic rehabilitation hospital


66 patients with severe hemiparesis and mild to moderate spasticity due to a stroke or a traumatic brain injury. On average, time since injury was 26 or 37 weeks for the intervention groups with a standard deviation of 71 and 82, respectively.


rpMS for 20 min or sham stimulation with subsequently occupational therapy for 20 min, two times a day over a 2-week period
Main Outcome Measure(s): modified Tardieu scale and Fugl-Meyer assessment (arm score), assessed before therapy, at the end of the 2-week treatment period, and 2 weeks after study treatment. Additionally, the Tardieu scale was assessed after the 1st and before the 3rd therapy session to determine any short-term effects.


Spasticity (Tardieu >0) was present in 83% of wrist flexors, 62% of elbow flexors, 44% of elbow extensors, and 10% of wrist extensors. Compared to the sham stimulation group the rpMS group showed short-term effects on spasticity for wrist flexors (p=.048), and long-term effects for elbow extensors (p<.045). Arm motor function (rpMS group: median 5 (4-27); sham group: 4 (4-9)) did not significantly change over the study period in either group, whereas rpMS had a positive effect on sensory function.


Therapy with rpMS increases sensory function in patients with severe limb paresis. The magnetic stimulation has, however, limited effect on spasticity and no effect on motor function.

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