Saturday, March 29, 2014

Action Alert - NSA on state stroke legislation

I don't know how many employees the National Stroke Association has but this statement is a total piece of crap. Doesn't anyone there have any functioning brain cells? How come a stroke survivor knows more than all of the NSA put together?
Dear SAN member,
State legislators are busy helping the stroke community with bills covering a variety of issues that affect stroke survivors, their families, caregivers and the healthcare professionals who care for them. If your state is listed below, you can help the whole stroke community by communicating with your state legislators about the stroke-related issues they’re debating. We’ve made it easy to make a big difference.
Take action in your state
Better Stroke Treatment
Stroke systems of care include many elements designed to decrease the time it takes to diagnose a stroke patient and transport that patient to an appropriate healthcare facility for treatment. Some of these elements are: 1) designating facilities that have additional stroke training so that emergency medical personnel can transport stroke patients to these facilities when possible; 2) establishing a system for collecting statewide stroke data to help facilities improve stroke care in the future; and 3) educating emergency medical personnel about stroke so patients can be diagnosed more quickly.
(Absolutely nothing here on solving the neuronal cascade of death problem or how badly tPA works- 12%)
A strong stroke system of care can make a big difference by reducing the impact of stroke when it occurs. Ultimately these policies can give stroke patients in your state a better chance of survival and a better quality of life after stroke.(Not under the current standard of care!!!) If you live in the District of Columbia, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey or Ohio, take action today to help improve stroke care in your state!

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