Thursday, May 1, 2014


It's the little things that are the most frustrating.  I had a  bleeding sore on the top of my right wrist(good hand). I managed to unwrap a bandaid and lay it sticky side up  on the counter and get it applied.  After the next mornings' shower and putting on a long sleeved shirt the bandaid was no longer on the wrist. I found it attached under my right tricep. Getting it off of there was damned difficult,  the teeth couldn't get there and the left hand and fingers were useless.


  1. I'm picturing you twisted like a pretzel.

  2. Dean,
    I found the fabric bandaids hold better. Rubbing a little mineral oil or alcohol over the bandaid will unsticky bandaids. Then all it takes is rubbing it against a surface like a door jamb.
