This is already approved therapy for other conditions. What is the downside and why isn't your doctor already doing this? And since you're depressed already you have a readymade reason to do this.
About every 40 seconds, someone somewhere has a stroke. Every four
minutes, someone dies from a stroke. They can strike anytime and affect
Now scientists at the University of Texas at Dallas are studying a
new way to help stroke survivors regain any physical abilities that were
lost after a stroke.
Daniel Hulsey, a Ph.D. student of cognitive neuroscience at UT Dallas
said, “We want to be able to restore that function by restoring
circuitry in the brain.”
To accomplish this, researchers turned their attention to the vagus nerve, the nerve that tells the brain how the body is doing.
“When you stimulate this nerve, you send a signal up into the brain
that [indicates] what just happened is really interesting and
important,” said Michael Kilgard, a neuroscientist at UT Dallas.
When electrical pulses stimulate the nerve, the brain releases
chemicals from different areas and essentially re-organizes itself. This
enables the brain to learn new tasks.
"We’re taking areas that are spared – the remaining neurons nearby
that are intact – … and having them shift some of those resources over,”
to the areas that are affected by the stroke, explained Kilgard.
In animal studies, scientists stimulated the vagus nerve while rats
performed rehabilitation exercises. When the nerve was stimulated, the
exercises completely reversed the mice's stroke-induced paralyses.
“We found that animals that had paired vagus nerve stimulation [with]
motor movement recovered not only faster than animals that got rehab
alone, but they recovered fully back to the level prior to their
stroke,” said Navid Khodaparast, a neuroscientist at UT Dallas.
The electrical pulses are painless and last just a half of a second. A
similar study will soon be conducted on human subjects. Researchers are
hoping to see the same promising results.
Vagus nerve stimulation is already approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration for treating other conditions such as depression and
A neuroscientist explaining it in a video at the link.
I sent the vagus nerve stimulation link to my physiatrist and he immediately responded that he didn't think it could do any harm.