From a 1997 article in Stroke magazine.
Australia at least has these:
Acute Stroke Services Framework
I can't find anything newer so you'll have to ask your doctor;
What is your framework for getting me to 100% recovery?
Lets analyze;
1. Nothing on what to do if the patient is not able to learn. Damn it you give them cognitive training.
2. No questions on fatigue
2. Nothing on what the doctor should be doing - other than letting millions of neurons die during the first week due to the neuronal cascade of death.
This is fucking pathetic even for 17 years ago. And for this crap you are actually paying your doctor?
Dean, Came across your blogs doing research on stroke treatments, what's new, Nothing! My son had a stroke 15 yrs ago, he was 13 and I searched everywhere for recovery info or for any info at the time (without the help of computers!) His defeicts, rt hemiparesis, helping hand, foot drop. Bad enough but after a long illness he had another stoke on the opposite side and you know the protocal has not changed in 15 years. We've got nothing from the doctors, no info unless we are in their faces. Granted they consider him an adult we just get in the way. Therapies are the same 15 yrs later, the stretching, e-stim, exercising, AFOs No breakout treatments. Trust me back in 1998 we did anything to aid in his recovery. And he's at the one of the top hospitals, they're getting him functional and dropping him in our laps. Thanks you for all the info and research, makes me so angry and frustrated there's nothing we or it seems anyone else can for him.