Monday, July 21, 2014

Government needs to focus on stroke rehab - New Zealand

And you, Stroke Foundation CEO Mark Vivian, need to learn where the focus should be on stroke research. It's not rehab, that has only a 10% chance of getting to full recovery. It's stopping the neuronal cascade of death. You New Zealanders will need to educate him on what is the best way to reduce stroke disability. His pronouncements do not leave me with a warm feeling that he understands at all. He then joins the presidents of the ASA, NSA and WSO in being obtuse about where stroke research should be going. If only we had a survivor-driven organization, that would keep their eye on the correct goal.

And yes, I am damn arrogant in thinking that I know more that these 'supposed' stroke professionals.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree that research should not go into rehab because of only 10% recovery. What we need is rehab that actually works better than 10% recovering. And this article talks about, not funding research into rehab, but throwing more resources at using conventional rehab methods - just allowing survivors to go to more rehab, not better rehab.
