Friday, August 22, 2014

At Penn State, telemedicine boosts stroke care to rural patients

This may be the best we can do under the current circumstances. But the status quo is f*cking appalling. tPA efficacy is only 12% and does nothing to stop the neuronal cascade of death. But our stroke medical world will not open their eyes and acknowledge that everything in stroke is a f*cking failure.
Absolutely everything in stroke is a failure and has been for 30 years.
Problems in stroke;

1. There is no fast, easy and objective way to diagnose a stroke. Maybe when the Qualcomm Tricorder X Prize is available. A number of friends have waited hours in ERs until stroke symptoms have visibly manifested themselves.
2. Only 10% get to almost full recovery.
3. 12% tPA efficacy
4. Nothing being done to stop the neuronal cascade of death during the first week.
5. No one knows how to cure spasticity.
6.  No one knows how to cure fatigue.
7. F.A.S.T is actually a failure because even at its best tPA is only delivered to 33% of those eligible and then of those that get it  it only works to completely reverse the stroke 12% of the time.

But here is the latest back patting;

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