Saturday, October 18, 2014

Is Axon Guidance by Attraction and Repulsion, or by a Roll of the Dice?

When your axons are trying to find their way around damaged areas. Which stroke protocol is your doctor using? Attraction? or Repulsion?
I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that your doctor has no f*cking clue about this subject.
Just a hint of some of the goodies your doctor needs to know about.

direction, X
P(X = ventral)
P(X = ventral)
 P(X = ventral)
 P(X = ventral)
In general, the probability distribution of variable X, the direction of outgrowth, is

It satisfies the following condition:
This just says that if all the probabilities for all the possible directions are added together the sum must equal 1.  
This little bit of probability theory is simple, but has profound implications.  It means that a guidance cue must affect the probability of outgrowth in more than one direction.  Since the sum of all the probabilities must equal 1, if a cue increases or decreases the probability of outgrowth in one direction it must alter the probability of outgrowth in another direction(s) as well.


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