Friday, October 3, 2014

Stroke Victims Lose 'Crucial Functions' Because Hospitals Don't Properly Rehabilitate Them

This is so f*cking bloody obvious. Stroke rehab is a complete and utter failure, only 10% get to almost full recovery.
From  John Krakauer  

"If you have a stroke in the United States in 2014, you're better off if you're a rodent than if you're a human being."

Though humans unquestionably get excellent care at the time of a stroke with the delivery of clot-busting drugs and surveillance for complications, in Krakauer's opinion, standard post-stroke care for humans is intolerably backward.

Current rehabilitation therapies are medieval, Krakauer, a professor of neurology and neuroscience at Hopkins, told the audience of science writers. "It's time for a revolution."

And because rehab is so f*cking bad the only solution is to stop a lot of the damage by stopping the neuronal cascade of death.
It's so damned simple, why can't the stroke medical world see it? Are they all brain damaged worse than the stroke survivors they are supposed to be treating? 

Whom the hell is going to take on this problem and solve it? It has only been festering for the last 30 years.

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