Wednesday, November 26, 2014

How To Use Music To Boost Athletic Performance

Whom is going to study exactly which music benefits stroke recovery? We need a specific music stroke protocol that has proven results. Otherwise we are in dangerous territory because survivors will choose their own music not knowing how dangerous that can be.
Don't do this on your own. Danger, danger Will Robinson.
And jazz is not the only music that’s been linked to athletic performance, as one of the study’s authors Dr. Ali Boolani explains:
“Other research has shown that country music improves batting, rap music improves jump shots and running is improved by any up-tempo music.
But the benefit of music in fine motor control situations was relatively unknown.
Hopefully, this is the first step in answering this question.”
You can train your doctor in music therapy with these 3 posts on music therapy.
Or these 53 posts on music.

More at link.

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