Do you want to know the risk and will your doctor offer the test?
A current study by the MedUni Vienna has shown that changes to the
"good cholesterol" HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) can be associated with
cardiovascular diseases: by developing a new laboratory test,
scientists at the Institute of Medical Genetics and the Department of
Nephrology & Dialysis (University Department of Internal Medicine
III) at the MedUni Vienna have demonstrated for the first time that the
presence of certain proteins in the HDL can lead to an increased risk of
cardiovascular disease and mortality.
HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) is a class of proteins that plays a
key role in the body's metabolism of cholesterol. HDL causes the
cholesterol to be transported to the liver, where it is broken down.
This gives rise to the popular name for HDL of "good cholesterol". A
team led by Thomas Weichhart (Institute of Medical Genetics), Marcus
Säemann and Chantal Kopecky (both from the Department of Nephrology
& Dialysis at the University Department of Internal Medicine III)
have demonstrated in a study involving over 1,200 patients that the
presence of two specific proteins in the good HDL can be associated with
a poorer prognosis in diabetic patients who require dialysis. The study
has just been published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society
of Nephrology.
High HDL levels are generally regarded as the best type to have and
are believed to protect against cardiovascular diseases such as heart
attacks and strokes. Clinical practice currently only measures the
amount of cholesterol in the HDL (known as the HDL-C) and the protective
effect against future cardiovascular disease is derived from this. This
relationship may hold true for the healthy population. More recent
research has shown, however, that in many chronic diseases such as
coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus or in patients receiving
dialysis, the quantity of HDL-C in the blood cannot be used as a
prognostic marker. As a result, new methods are needed in order to
better estimate the risk of cardiovascular disease.
HDL is made up of only around 20 per cent cholesterol; over 50 per
cent of HDL is made up of different proteins. And it is precisely this
protein composition that changes in the presence of a number of
different diseases. The researchers from Vienna have already
demonstrated in an earlier study that two proteins in particular, namely
Serum Amyloid A (SAA) and Surfactant Protein B (SP-B), are
significantly raised in the HDL of dialysis patients, and these also
contribute towards HDL losing its protective effect.
Test measures "dangerous" proteins
The scientists have now developed an innovative test that can quickly
and directly measure the SAA and SP-B in the HDL. The HDL protein
composition in over 1,200 patients requiring dialysis was analysed using
this test. The results were clear. High levels of SAA in the HDL were
associated with an increased occurrence of heart attacks, while high
levels of SP-B in the HDL acted as a marker for a generally increased
risk of mortality. This discovery could change the evaluation of HDL.
"The HDL-C value continues to remain important, however the new test
will also in future allow a much more precise risk prediction for
cardiovascular diseases," explain the study authors, "allowing therapy
to be commenced much earlier, for example through a modified lifestyle,
in order to decisively improve the overall prognosis."
The laboratory test is currently being evaluated in other patient
collectives in order to confirm the results in relation to other
diseases such as coronary heart disease, in which the SAA and SP-B are
also raised. The laboratory test is not yet being carried out routinely;
an Austrian company is however currently working on its market launch.
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