Friday, November 28, 2014

Rehabilitation exercise assessment using inertial sensors: a cross-sectional analytical study

This makes so much sense that it won't occur unless you demand it. If you don't have an accurate objective description of your muscular problems there is absolutely no way your therapist can ever create a protocol and thus have something repeatable for future survivors. It's up to you. Do you want to pay it forward? Or just let your medical staff keep doing the useless crap they are doing now? And look at that, emails for your doctor to use.
Oonagh M Giggins1*
* Corresponding author
Kevin T Sweeney1,2
Brian Caulfield1,2
1 School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Science, University
College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
2 INSIGHT, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Accurate assessments of adherence and exercise performance are required in order to ensure
that patients adhere to and perform their rehabilitation exercises correctly within the home
Inertial sensors have previously been advocated as a means of achieving these
requirements, by using them as an input to an exercise biofeedback system. This research
sought to investigate whether inertial sensors, and in particular a single sensor, can accurately
classify exercise performance in patients performing lower limb exercises for rehabilitation
Fifty-eight participants (19 male, 39 female, age: 53.9 ± 8.5 years, height: 1.69 ± 0.08 m,
weight: 74.3 ± 13.0 kg) performed ten repetitions of seven lower limb exercises (hip
abduction, hip flexion, hip extension, knee extension, heel slide, straight leg raise, and inner
range quadriceps). Three inertial sensor units, secured to the thigh, shin and foot of the leg
being exercised, were used to acquire data during each exercise. Machine learning
classification methods were applied to quantify the acquired data.
The classification methods achieved relatively high accuracy at distinguishing between
correct and incorrect performance of an exercise using three, two, or one sensor
moderate efficacy scores were also achieved by the classifier when attempting to classify the
particular error in exercise performance. Results also illustrated that a reduction in the
number of inertial sensor units employed has little effect on the overall efficacy results.

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