Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Going up steps

I think I finally learned on my own what I need to do to walk up steps properly. This is obviously something that all 10 millions survivors a year need to know. So why is there no written stroke protocol on how to walk properly post-stroke. I had a PT that just demonstrated a 'walk this way' stride. I absolutely hated that because the complete responsibility on relearning to walk properly was thrown on the survivors. We may as well not even have therapists.
This series of images from Nathan Nicholson I finally got the understanding that you don't just lift the foot straight up, you  engage your hamstring to pull your leg up behind you at the same time pointing your toes down(plantarflexxing) to clear the lip of the step. I have to plan this all out on my own since most of my premotor cortex is dead.
1. Engage the hamstring
2. Point the toes down - plantarflexing 
3. Clear the step
4. Dorsiflex to lift the toe up
5. Straighten the leg 


  1. Thank you. I keep trying to lift my foot straight up, and flat, which makes me circumduct.

    1. This something that every PT should know and distribute
