Thursday, December 11, 2014

Kaizen: The Japanese Philosophy for Success

Our stroke associations must be doing the exact opposite. This first principle must never be followed by our stroke associations.


From cleaning the building to complicated management systems, improvements within a Kaizen strategy require a process of fixing issues at their source and making changes to outdated or inefficient standards.
A basic rundown of this philosophy within an organization is as follows: Kaizen requires an organization to first identify an issue or an area of needed improvement.  
(ie. Problems in Stroke) Then, they must come up with an idea for changing the process to make it better. The idea is then implemented. The company must then review the results of the changes and adjust if necessary. Then, repeat this process continually to optimize all operations and business practices.

More at link.
Dozens of books available on Amazon

1 comment:

  1. Being half Japanese, I know and practice this. It's what made me a fantastic trouble shooter in business. The whole concept is too simple which is why Stroke professionals discount it. Yes, you have to look at the picture as a whole, but finding the individual problem and making it better is a concept beyond western thinking.
