Saturday, February 21, 2015

Growth cones carve a path through tissues

We need this for our neurons that are trying to reconnect. What is your doctor doing to facilitate this research? Does your hospital have goals and objectives for each of its' neurologists to produce viable stroke research each year? If not, you need to call your hospital president and ask why their stroke department is so f*cking incompetent.
Neural growth cones use invadopodia-like fingers to push through tissues
A growth cone leading a neuron's development needs more than muscle to push its way through tissues and across boundaries. Santiago-Medina et al. found features on neuronal growth cones that are like the invadosomes of immune and metastatic cancer cells, which themselves have a knack for squeezing through existing tissues. These invadosomes, fingers that poke out into the surrounding tissue, are packed with cytoskeleton and exude proteases that degrade the extracellular matrix. The invadosomes were key for Xenopus motoneurons trying to find a path out of the spinal cord and into the developing musculature.
Development 10.1242/dev.108266 (2015).

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