Friday, February 20, 2015

HypeWatch: Researcher Claims Pot-Stroke Link on Limited Data - Conclusion based on analysis of 64 cases, no controls.

This is an awful study, the three comments explain exactly why it is so bad.
Worse Than No Study At All
We need valid studies with control groups, and the influence of possible mitigating factors, to identify whether their really is an association with stroke, instead of these worthless attempts to inject personal prejudices into a complicated discussion. The article did not even make the first distinction necessary to discuss stroke, i. e. hemorrhagic vs atherosclerotic strokes, which have completely different etiologies. For example, if we know the risk rises due to sclerotic disease, can we mitigate those patients through the standard ASA / statin / beta blocker combo that we use for heart disease? 50 or 60 case histories of stroke, people who just happen to use cannabis, tells us nothing. Weed is here to stay. It's time to grow up and try to help this significant population through pragmatic study and harm reduction if possible. [Ed.: All the cases involved ischemic stroke.].
larry katz
This type of medical incompetence is applied to Cannabis research over and over again. The lack of proper research protocols is clearly an example of the intentional injection of bogus information meant to cloud the public's perception of the potential value of the drug. A little real research will undoubtedly prove this scare tactic is borne of a connection to big pharma that has little use for pot as a profit source. This "researcher" should be ashamed to publish such garbage on the level of "Reefer Madness".
Steve Edelman, MSN/FNP-BC
If this was another drug being "investigated" we would laugh at this researcher and, from that point on we would ignore him. Still sounds like a good plan to me!.

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