Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Robotic Hands for Stroke Rehab

Has your stroke department evaluated all the hand orthotics and established which one has the best efficacy? If not you need to call the hospital president and ask why such incompetency is allowed in their hospital. And that is incompetency by any definition.

Flint Rehabilitation Devices Introduces MusicGlove, World’s First FDA Approved, Clinically Validated Music-Based Hand Rehabilitation Device


novel design of a robotic hand exoskeleton device (PMHand) for the purpose of aiding post stroke rehabilitation


Music Glove Presentation - Hand stroke rehab


Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Exoskeleton Finger Rehabilitation Robot for Stroke Patients 


Assessment of hand kinematics using inertial and magnetic sensors


Multisensory Representation of the Space Near the Hand From Perception to Action and Interindividual Interactions


Functional Electrical Stimulation to Augment Poststroke Reach and Hand Opening in the Presence of Voluntary Effort


Australia - first hand therapy aims to close gap 


Single Session of Dual-tDCS Transiently Improves Precision Grip and Dexterity of the Paretic Hand After Stroke


Haptic-based neurorehabilitation in post-stroke patients: a feasibility prospective multicentre trial for robotics hand rehabilitation.


Clinical Effects of Using HEXORR (Hand Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Robot) for Movement Therapy in Stroke Rehabilitation


Mechatronic Design and Characterization of the Index Finger Module of a Hand Exoskeleton for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation 


Wireless Electronic Glove Helps Improve Motor Skills of Spinal Cord Injury Victims


Stroke rehab hand exercises


5 exercises to improve hand mobility and reduce pain


Development of a haptic keypad for training finger individuation after stroke


Rome doctors use robotic glove, videogame on stroke patients

OT Review of iPad App Dexteria for Fine Motor Skills


Hand Robotics Rehabilitation: Feasibility and Preliminary Results of a Robotic Treatment in Patients with Hemiparesis


Hand-Clapping Songs Improve Motor and Cognitive Skills, Research Shows


Cable Actuated Exomusculature Glove for Stroke Rehabilitation and Assistance


Robo-Gloves to Aid Stroke Victims


Association of Activity Changes in the Primary Sensory Cortex With Successful Motor Rehabilitation of the Hand Following Stroke


Exoskeleton hand gives you robo-powered fingers


And this is not all that I have written about.  

Your doctor if ANY GOOD at all will know exactly which ones are missing.


The latest one here:

Robotic Hands for Stroke Rehab

A team of European researchers have been developing robotic gloves aimed at helping stroke victims to receive advanced therapy at home. The SCRIPT project (Supervised Care and Rehabilitation Involving Personal Tele-robotics) has led to two prototypes that help develop hand and wrist movement while recording monitoring and recording the patient’s ability to perform a variety of tasks.
The system is designed to allow patients to continue receiving therapy at home once in-clinic rehab sessions are over. The hope is that well targeted therapy in the comfort of the home will lead to meaningful improvements in patients that may otherwise plateau in their motor ability.
Dr Farshid Amirabdollahian, a senior lecturer in adaptive systems at the University of Hertfordshire’s School of Computer Science who co-ordinated the project, said: “This project focused on therapies for stroke patients at home. Our goal was to make motivating therapies available to people to practise at home using this system, hoping that they have a vested interest to practise and will do so. We tried this system with 30 patients and found that patients indeed practised at home, on average around 100 minutes each week, and some showed clinical improvements in their hand and arm function.”

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