Saturday, April 11, 2015

Angiogenesis - Good or bad for for stroke rehabilitation?

Send this directly to your doctor to come up with an answer. Do not allow deflection and 'I don't know' for an answer. This is your brain needing help, your doctor needs to figure out how to help it. If no answer is forthcoming call the hospital president and ask why the stroke department knows nothing helpful.
Poststroke Angiogenesis, Con: Dark Side of Angiogenesis
  • Joanna Adamczak and
  • Mathias Hoehn
Stroke. 2015; published online before print March 26 2015, doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.007642
2015 American Heart Association, Inc. 2015 other Basic Science Controversy Poststroke Angiogenesis, ConDark Side of Angiogenesis Joanna Adamczak PhD Mathias Hoehn PhD Correspondence to Mathias Hoehn...
Poststroke Angiogenesis, Pro: Making the Desert Bloom
  • David A. Greenberg
Stroke. 2015; published online before print March 26 2015, doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.007641
2015 American Heart Association, Inc. 2015 other Basic Science Controversy Poststroke Angiogenesis, ProMaking the Desert Bloom David A. Greenberg MD, PhD Correspondence to David A. Greenberg, MD...
Poststroke Angiogenesis: Blood, Bloom, or Brood?
  • Jialing Liu
Stroke. 2015; published online before print March 26 2015, doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.007643
2015 American Heart Association, Inc. 2015 other Basic Science Controversy Poststroke AngiogenesisBlood, Bloom, or Brood? Jialing Liu PhD Correspondence to Jialing Liu, PhD, Department of Neurological...


  1. I cant access the articles?

    1. Neither can I, your doctor should be subscribing to all these stroke journals and thus be able to tell you exactly what changes to your stroke rehab should be occurring. Or your great stroke organization should have all these articles freely available for survivors. But then stroke orgs. don't care about survivors except as items of pity in order to bring in donations.
