Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Money spent on dementia and stroke too low, say researchers - UK

And the only way I see to fix this is to have our stroke associations go directly for grant money and use that for stroke research. Bypass the government.  We can't let our stroke researchers come up with their own research ideas. We need to be following a strategy if we ever expect to solve stroke.  Swinging for the fences like with stem cells is not the way to do this.

AMOUNTS OF money spent on research into dementia and stroke in the UK are still far too low, experts warn today.

Analysis of funding for research into the four main causes of death and disability in the UK - cancer, heart disease, dementia and stroke - found just 10 per cent was allocated to dementia and seven per cent to stroke research.
The study, led by researchers at Oxford University, said this was despite these conditions having huge economic and personal impact, with the social care costs of dementia outweighing that of the other three conditions combined.
The combined amount of research funding allocated by the Government and charities to all four conditions came to £855 million in 2012, almost two-thirds of which (64 per cent or £546m) was spent on cancer.
Around one fifth (19 per cent or £165m) was devoted to heart disease, with £85m on dementia and £58m on stroke research.
That same year, there were around 2.3m cases of cancer, the same number of coronary heart disease cases, 800,000 cases of dementia and 1.2m of stroke, the study said.
The costs of healthcare were highest for cancer (£4.4 billion) and lowest for dementia, at £1.4bn, while stroke was £1.8bn.
But researchers found that the social care costs of dementia outweighed the social care costs of the other three conditions combined.

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