Sunday, April 19, 2015

Spasticity Awareness Week - Failure again

You can see the uselessness of the NSAs response. Manage, not cure, and they don't even tell you what they are doing to find a cure. They are totally hopeless.
Spasticity Awareness Week
Do you have spasticity as a result of your stroke?

Do you have spasticity as a result of your stroke? If so, you are far from alone. Spasticity, which causes limited muscle movement and painful muscle spasms, is one of the top three conditions that stroke survivors experience post-stroke.
This coming week, we are heightening awareness of post-stroke spasticity and ensuring you have the tools and resources at hand to effectively manage spasticity to improve your quality of life. Here are a handful of things to be on the lookout for as the week unfolds:
  • A post-stroke spasticity infographic that clearly spells out everything from what the condition is, to the effects it has on daily life, to management options.
  • The debut of our new animated video, Spasticity: Loosen Up.
  • Join us, MS World, and United Spinal Association as we tweet to beat spasticity. Inspire others with spasticity by tweeting a story or photo of the things you’re able to accomplish now that your spasticity is under control. Remember to use #SpasticityStories in your tweet!
There’s more in store. Join us as we start the conversation.

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1 comment:

  1. Lol tried all of these solutions except for surgical options like the pump and other surgeries which seemed to be last resorts and permanent. NOTHING WORKED! Finally got dry needling and it worked. For the first time I'm pain free.Now I'm working through the contractures to stretch everything back to where it was so I can continue recovery.
