Saturday, May 16, 2015

Coffee cup stroke rehab

Free coffee all day at this hotel. It's wonderful. Although my planning still needs work.  If I expect to use one of the cardboard sleeves I have to put it on while the cup is upside down AND prior to putting coffee in it. Today I missed that part, it took me 10 minutes trying one-handed before I used my useless left hand to push the sleeve open against the back of the countertop. Sometimes I think the f*cking stroke has robbed me of knowing how to do the simplest things.  This is a real problem when you buy coffee from Starbucks. A great stroke association president would contact the Starbucks president and discuss possible solutions.

1 comment:

  1. I have to use the same "upside down" strategy. I don't think having a stroke is the problem. Like the reversed handlebars on the bike, it is hard to overcome our life-long experience about how objects work.
