Thursday, May 28, 2015

Microbes Effect on the Brain

This doctors' blog on this is too detailed to summarize so ask your doctor what is being done with this to adjust your stroke protocols for recovery.
A couple selected sentences;
Without microbes, there is a much higher level of stress steroids from the hypothalamus (corticosteroids) and a lower level of BDNF, (brain derived neurotrophic factor stimulates new neurons and brain connections).
Mice without microbes have decreases in several important neurotransmitters and factors. BDNF is lower, which affects the development of new brain cells for memory. 
Also, microbes make many other small molecules that can be neuro modulators or new neurotransmitters. This includes serotonin, dopamine, GABA, epinephrine, acetylcholine and others.
Mice without microbes have decreases in several important neurotransmitters and factors. BDNF is lower, which affects the development of new brain cells for memory. - See more at:

Without microbes, there is a much higher level of stress steroids from the hypothalamus (corticosteroids) and a lower level of BDNF, (brain derived neurotrophic factor stimulates new neurons and brain connections). - See more at:

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