Monday, May 18, 2015

Neurobiologists restore youthful vigor to adult brains - in mice

Contact your billionaire friends and have them sponsor this research in humans. If you don't do this it won't occur for 100 years because we don't have anyone with a strategy and plan to solve the problems in stroke.
The article here;
Neurobiologists restore youthful vigor to adult brains - in mice

The research it is based upon here:
Inhibitory Neuron Transplantation into Adult Visual Cortex Creates a New Critical Period that Rescues Impaired Vision
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Interneuron transplantation to adult cortex reactivates critical period plasticity
Transplantation recovers visual cortical function in visually impaired mice
Transplantation restores normal perception to visually impaired mice


The maturation of inhibitory circuits in juvenile visual cortex triggers a critical period in the development of the visual system. Although several manipulations of inhibition can alter the timing of the critical period, none have demonstrated the creation of a new critical period in adulthood. We developed a transplantation method to reactivate critical period plasticity in the adult visual cortex. Transplanted embryonic inhibitory neurons from the medial ganglionic eminence reinstate ocular dominance plasticity in adult recipients. Transplanted inhibitory cells develop cell-type-appropriate molecular characteristics and visually evoked responses. In adult mice impaired by deprivation during the juvenile critical period, transplantation also recovers both visual cortical responses and performance on a behavioral test of visual acuity. Plasticity and recovery are induced when the critical period would have occurred in the donor animal. These results reveal that the focal reactivation of visual cortical plasticity using inhibitory cell transplantation creates a new critical period that restores visual perception after childhood deprivation.

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